All employees, volunteers and governors of HCAT Multi Academy Trust place the safeguarding of children and young people in paramount importance. We understand our legal duties as per the Children Act (1989 & 2004); Education Act (2002) Section 175; Keeping Children Safe in Education; and Working Together.
As part of our approach to ensuring that strong, effective governance is in place, we have a named Trustee for Safeguarding: Mr Stephen Gallagher
Our named Trustee for Safeguarding ensures that Local Governing Body link governors for safeguarding are working effectively with each of our schools’ Designated Safeguarding Leads to ensure all of our children and young people are safeguarded from harm and abuse, and that where concerns arise these are dealt with swiftly and professionally.
A copy of the Trust’s Safeguarding’s policy can be accessed here – HCAT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2024